Essay of our proyect

San Gabriel High school
Name: Jesús Castillo, Alejandro Casares, Mateo Sotalin, Leonardo Vega.
Course: 1st BGU "A"
Date: 28/03/2018
Solar Power Bank
One of The biggest problems is the garbage and that sometimes we are without battery, we want to reduce the impact of that problem with our invention that not only helps one, it helps everyone.
Our group has the idea of making the solar power bank because of our needs.
The world is getting more digital each day, and it's always good to have an extra juice.
The idea of our group is about something that all the people can use and is also something that the people need; our idea is a solar powerbank made of recicled materials life paperbord and electronic parts, etc. To save the planet this idea is an useful idea because with the use of this power bank can we reduce the contamination and the aplication of this energy can be constantly used and never ended this is our idea to save the planet reciclying and also innovation.
The invention of our project is going to be good fot the planet for the planet because we use the materials that recluced the garbage in the world. First, we are going to take the materials from a old battery, them from our houses we're going to take hardpaper and finaly we are going to use them old.
The hardpaper is going to be used in structure and the othdr things and going to be used in the circuits internal.
